who stands between us and god?

September 2, 2022 by Blake Hadley

Who stands between us and God? The answer to that question will change how we think, speak and live. This is a very important question in Network life. Specifically, I want to ask the question, do our leaders stand between us and God? Does God speak to them so that they may speak to us? Should we always obey them, even if they are wrong? Should we allow young, inexperienced leaders to consistently lead poorly since God “appointed” them? If the answer is yes, we are in very dangerous territory. If the answer is no, we should praise God because He has given all Christians the ability to understand their Bibles and make sound judgements from Scripture. Network friends, your leaders do not know God or “hear” God better than you do.

In the Old Testament, there were men who stood between God and His people. Think about men like David, Abraham or Moses. The people would go to these men and then these men would go to God. Or in reverse order, God would speak to these men and these men would speak to the people. But what about us today? Do we have a mediator between us and God? Yes! He is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Unlike these other men, His reign will last forever. Furthermore, the men that I mentioned were all “types” of Christ. Christ is the better David, better Abraham and better Moses. In Hebrews 7:22-24, we are told that, “This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant. The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever.” While these verses are amazing, I find the most comfort from verse 25. As someone who truly believed that my spiritual life and vitality depended on always submitting to and pleasing my leaders, verse 25 is all the more sweet. It reads, “Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him (Jesus), since he always lives to make intercession for them.” Brothers and sisters, Christ is the perfect mediator and He stands as your spotless representative before the Father. Along with that, Christ is always praying to the Father for you. That should be of great comfort to you, knowing that your King in heaven is always praying for you. 

All of that to say, it is still right that your leaders pray on your behalf to God. It is right for your leaders to instruct and care for you. In fact, it is a requirement that pastors and overseers be able to teach you. But, know that your leaders are not the same as David, Abraham or Moses. If they were, it would mean that Christ has not come yet. Remember, David, Abraham and Moses were all “types” that pointed to a coming King. We do not live in Old Testament times or live under the covenants of old. We live in the New and better Covenant with Christ as our mediator. Your leaders might show you Hebrews 13:17 at this point. It reads, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Doesn’t that mean we just do whatever our leaders tell us, since they will give an account? Before I answer that, I think it would be best to understand what this even looks like. 

I will address “obey your leaders and submit to them” last. So first, leaders are keeping watch over your souls. Specifically, pastors and overseers (same office) are keeping watch over your souls. Notice that this would not include small group leaders. How do they do this? First and foremost, they teach and exhort with sound doctrine. The Apostle Paul speaks of this often. Second, they pray for you. What more can they do? They cannot force you to do anything, that would be domineering. Next, these leaders will have to give an account. An account of what exactly? They will answer to the Good Shepherd about how they behaved toward you. If they had to give an account for conversions or how people externally lived their lives, all leaders would fail at some point. God is concerned with whether or not they are faithful. God does the saving of individuals, not leaders. 

Leaders should joyfully teach and pray for the people that God has temporarily entrusted to them. I say temporarily because pastors are basically “stand-ins” until the Good Shepherd returns. What a great task they undertake! So, insofar as they are faithful shepherds, we should joyfully submit to and obey our pastors. In his commentary on Hebrews, John Calvin says of Hebrews 13:17, “He commands first obedience and then honor to be rendered to them. These two things are necessarily required, so that the people might have confidence in their pastors, and also reverence for them. But it ought at the same time to be noticed that the Apostle speaks only of those who faithfully performed their office; for they have nothing but the title, nay, who use the title of pastors for the purpose of destroying the Church, deserve but little reverence and still less confidence.” Those pastors who handle the Scriptures poorly, or domineer or harm the sheep, do not deserve our obedience or reverence.

 Your leaders, through teaching and counseling, can suggest and advise you to do things but his suggestions and advice are only binding insofar as they are grounded in Scripture. When you are asked to change how you look, live or act for non-biblical reasons, you are not bound to obey. Sometimes it might be wise to obey, but you are not sinning if you do not obey. What I want you to realize from this article is that your leaders don’t stand in between you and God. Yes, leaders are given by God to teach, lead and shepherd God’s people. However, they are not given as a mediator between the people and God. This means that, at the end of the day, you answer to God. If your leaders are wrong and unbiblical in their teaching and leading, you would do well to leave. I’m speaking specifically to Network members. Normally, I would say confront your leaders or fire them if they are unrepentant. But as we know, there is no mechanism for that in the Network. Friends, when you are face to face with your Maker on that Day, you will not be able to use the excuse “I was just following my leaders.” That is not a sufficient answer. You are responsible now for the teaching you sit under and promote. Friends, as R.C. Sproul once said, “right now counts forever.”